Sunday, February 20, 2011

Ana's Story page 56-79

After a few long weeks of Ana's papa being very sicked, he passed away. The last thing he said to her was "take care of your hermana (sister)." Ana felt terrible when he said that to her because she knew she had already let her sister get hurt and there was nothing she could do about it. Ana and Isabel hugged their fathers bony body one more time. After papa died, Ana wanted to run away. She felt as if she had nothing left.

At her father's funeral, it finally hit her that Papa was gone forever and this was permanent. She did not want the moment to be real. She heard people tell stories of her father and what a happy and fun person he was. She decided to go in front of everyone and say something as well. She called out to God and asked him why he had to take her papa. When she finished she was overcome with anger and was very mad at God.

In the days after Papa died, Ana noticed her grandma looking older and drearier. She always looked tired and worn out. Things started becoming worse between the two and fights became a usual thing. It was not just yelling though, Ana's grandma hit her and abused her. She had bruises and welts all over her legs. One beating turned into many.

While Papa was still alive, Ana started taking a first communion class at her church. Ana enjoyed being there with her friends and found comfort there. She started to no longer feel anger towards God for taking her mom and dad and for the other things. At class one day, she accepted God. Although she did not accept her situation at home she trusted God to protect her and get her through it. At the ceremony, each child had to write a note stating their hopes and expectations for the future with God in their life. Ana wrote how she wants to be in a home without abuse, she is tired of the bruises that cover her body and the darkness in her heart. She asked God to protect her. After the ceremony there was a celebration with the whole family. She was proud and beaming with joy. Her Aunt Aida gave her a hug and told her she was proud of her. Those words were rarely heard by her and she felt special. She started to feel that maybe things would be different now.

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