Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Snow day and more reading! pages 60-70

Snow day! I was so happy to wake up to no school this morning. After hearing we had a delay last night i was pretty sure that everything would pass over and we would still have school, but i was wrong! I have been waiting for a school cancellation so I could get the chance to go sledding. I have not been yet this year so i was super excited to go today. A bunch of friends and I went to Franke Park where there is a HUGE hill. We did some really intense sledding and I even snowboarded down the hill a couple times. After sledding we went  back to one of my friends houses and had some warm hot chocolate. I must say it was a great day.

Back to the book that I have been reading, Three Cups of Tea. I have read a little more since the last time I posted and a lot of progress is being made on the school in Pakistan. Greg Mortenson is now in Pakistan for a while until the school is built. He left everything he had in America (which wasn't much) and flew to Pakistan. Everyday many people are putting in time to help build the school. He gets more excited about it every day.

I have to admit I was a little surprised to find out that Mortenson was not a Christian missionary. All along since I started the book, I thought he was doing all of these things because of his faith. The book told about how he grew up in Tanzania with his parents who were Christian missionaries there so I must have just assumed he was the same. The first time I realized I was wrong was when he started to pray and worship willingly with a group of Muslims. They were praying and shouting to their god Allah in a worn down gas station and he was amazed at their way of worship. He felt accepted by these people and finally not looked at as an outsider. As the days went on he starts worshiping and proclaiming "Allah Akbhar" or "God is great" with the other Muslims around him.

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