Friday, April 1, 2011

Soul Surfer

Since Spring Break is almost here, I decided to start a new book and I chose Soul Surfer. This is a book I have read before but decided to read again to refresh my memory because the movie came out last week and I am so excited to see it. It is an autobiography, written by Bethany Hamilton, who was at the time a 13 year old surfer girl living in Hawaii. She tells the story of how she got her left arm bitten off by a shark while surfing in the ocean. The cool thing about her shark attack and her life after is that she had a very positive perspective and outlook the whole way through. She never gave up and even went back to surfing not long after her recovery. I know that if I was attacked by a shark in the ocean, it would take a lot for me to get back up and surfing again and I'm not sure if I ever would again. Bethany had determination though and was so in love with the sport that nothing could keep her away. The coolest part about this book though is the account Bethany gives of her faith in God. The thing that got her through the attack and the recovery the most was most of all her faith. She talks over and over again about how without God she could not have made it through and that he had a reason for this happening. She believes that He did this so that she can share her story and faith with others. This is a great story and I really recommend this book to everyone!

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