Friday, May 27, 2011

Final Blog

I have really enjoyed being in Etymology class this semester. Surprisingly, even though it was a lot of work sometimes I really enjoyed and got something out of everything we did. I feel like my writing skills have improved a ton while taking this class. My vocabulary has definitely increased, and I see poems and writing in a different view now. Instead of just reading it, I notice diction, tone, and other things about it. Just knowing the new vocab words and other words that we learned helped me so much in improving my level of writing. My parents read a couple of my papers and were surprised at the change in my writing. I have never been a big reader so honestly that has not changed much for me. I tried to get into reading and blog a lot but it never seemed to click with me. Although I did enjoy the books I read while in this class. I think all of the books I read were non-fiction. Most of them were inspiring stories or ways to improve your life. I'm not positive but I would estimate that I read around 900 pages this semester. I really really have enjoyed this class and I am really sad its going to be over. Also, Mr. Hill you have been a great teacher and I really have learned so much from you. You also are a really cool person and so fun to be around, I'm pretty sure everyone I have talked to feels the same way too. So thanks so much for everything you do and have done for us!!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Soul Surfer

The day came when her doctor told her she could get back in the water. They chose a beach off a beaten path that they thought would be best for her first surf back. She decided to ride a long board because it is easier to catch a wave with this more stable board. Her brother Noah wanted to film her ride on video camera so he swam out with her. Her dad even took off work to come see her. Alana and a bunch of her other friends were also there.

She walked out to the water with Alana. She was not afraid of being attacked by a shark, she didn't even think about it. All her mind could think about was catching a wave and getting up on her feet. Her first couple of tries to get up didn't work and at first she was a little discouraged. Everyone around her told her to keep trying and not to give up. Then it happened. She got on her feet and after that everything was easy.

It was hard for her to even describe what she felt after she caught that wave. She was incredibly thankful and happy inside and out. All her doubts of not being able to surf again were gone, she even started crying tears of joy.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Poetry Project

My theme for the poetry project is Africa.
The poem i'm using for the video is Birth Place by May Miller.

My 6 poems are:





Thursday, May 5, 2011

Soul Surfer

After the shark attack, Bethany and most people around her thought she would never surf again. Everyone knew it took two arms to surf. She decided she would try to get back into soccer and get into surf photography. That was the only way she could stay close to the sport without directly participating in it. Although almost everyone was against her getting back into the sport, her brother Timmy knew nothing could keep her out of the water. Her parents also had no doubt that she could probably figure out a way to get up on a board.

A lot of people thought Bethany would be way to scared to ever get back in the Ocean again. But she thought differently. She really did not have a fear of it. Her doctor gave her a deadline as to when she could get back in the water. Her stitches had to come out first and things had to heal up, but he told her Thanksgiving Day is when she could get back in the water and try surfing again.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Quality Time, Redefined

It's true, our generation is quickly becoming overly consumed by electronics. The family in this news article spends their family time sitting in the living room with each one of them on a different type of electronic device. I'd like to say thats crazy and ridiculous, but my family does the same thing. My mom is so wrapped up in her cellphone and laptop and is already talking about the next ipad and how it would "help" her so much. My brothers are always concerned about the next big ipod, cellphone, or video game to come out. And I thought my dad was still with me, but he just got an iphone, so he is slowly falling into the trap himself. Although I don't have a big fascination or care too much about the newest and biggest electronic device that is coming out, I do agree that there are some pretty amazing things out there that people are coming up with. But for now I am satisfied with my non-smart phone and my nano ipod. Sometimes I think about how people survived and got along in the old days when cellphones, laptops, and other things weren't invented yet. But obviously the people turned out fine and are still here today, so it must have been manageable. But to picture a world without those things today is almost impossible to me. I mean I probably call my parents at least 5 times a day to ask them a question or tell them something, and of course I always have someone to text and talk about something with. Our generation is becoming so consumed with technology and electronics but in reality it is very hard to picture life without these things!

Soul Surfer

Bethany was given the chance to give out Dove awards at the Gospel Music Grammy Award Ceremony. They were given first class plane tickets to go to L. A. for the show. While on the plane, her friend next to her nudged her and told her to look at who was sitting next to them. It was Patrick Swayze. "He keeps glancing at you," she pointed out. She insisted on giving her a pen and paper to go get his autograph. Bethany said no though because she gets tired herself of people asking her for autographs.

It is not easy for Bethany being a celebrity. When she watches her interviews, she notices that she hems and haw and fidgets alot. sometimes she just istn in a good mood to talk and she gets bored telling the same story over and over again. Not being able to go anywhere without getting pointed out as the girl with one arm can also get a little old.

Despite all the fame and attention, at her home she doesn't get and VIP treatment and that's how she likes it. To her friends and family she is still just Bethany and nothing much has changed except her arm.